6 Tips to Turn Your Next Interview into a Job Offer

May 4, 2015Tips0 comments

No one likes interviews, especially when it’s for your first job. But why not make the best of it while you’re at it? Here are some tips for success to help you land your next big gig:

1) Who’s the fairest of them all?

Do you blink multiple times when you’re thinking? How many “ums” do you spit out in a sentence when you’re nervous? Chances are you don’t even know you do these things so practice first in front of a mirror so you can identify and fix the unconscious social cues that you may be giving off.

2) Practice, practice, practice

Next, you want to do a few mock interviews with a close friend or family member (by that we mean someone who’s not afraid to hurt your feelings). You want to talk to someone you can trust and who can be honest with you so that you can tackle your bad habits for the long run. A significant other can be a great choice of audience (especially if they still make you nervous at times). If you can practice in an environment that closely mimics the interviewing setting then more props to you.

3) Don’t be generic!

Put yourself in the shoes of the recruiter and imagine sitting through a whole day of interviews. At one point you’re going to realize that almost every candidate possess similar experiences and are capable of doing the job. So how do you turn the luck in your favour? Share anecdotes that relate to your experiences, crack a joke, be yourself. Try not to mutter the same answers that everyone is giving. Be different so that you’re memorable.

4) You had me at hello

We all know that first impressions are important. But did you know that you only have up to seven seconds to make an impact on someone? Just as much as you wouldn’t want to be underdressed, there are also certain job interviews where a pair of khaki pants would suffice. So do your research and look the part. Greet your recruiter with a confident smile and handshake and present your best possible self during the introduction.

5) Manners are everything

Manners can make or break a deal (or in this case your job offer). Be courteous and arrive early. Even more importantly, don’t forget to thank your interviewer — not only at the end of an interview but follow up afterwards. If you really want to stand out, send a handwritten note. Your employer would definitely appreciate the extra effort.

6) Treat it like a date

As nerve-wracking as interviews can be, it’s important to remember that it’s a two way process. Just as much as this is an opportunity for employers to learn about you, it is also a chance for you to evaluate whether or not you want to work for the company. Treat it like a conversation; ask them questions. Your time and skills are valuable so make sure you’re spending it where you want to be.

Which interview tip did you find the most helpful? Do you have any that we’ve missed? Share them below!