7 Life Skills That School Doesn’t Teach Us

Jun 2, 2015Tips0 comments

With the start of June and commencement season in full swing, we thought we’d share with you some things that our education system doesn’t teach us (and probably should).

1) Time Management

Welcome to the adult world where you’re free to do whatever it is your heart desires. You will be setting your own deadlines and schedule. Worst of all, there won’t always be someone there to look over your shoulder and gently push you in the right step.

2) Managing your Finances

If there’s one thing that school teaches us, it’s that it’s okay to spend the money that we don’t have.

3) Continual Self Learning and Growth

Just because you’ve conquered academia, it doesn’t mean you you’ve left education behind forever. In fact, you’ll probably learned more from your first month at work than in all four years of university alone.

4) Setting Goals and Creating an Action Plan

Real life doesn’t come with a rubric or a set of instructions. You have to figure out what you want to do and how you’re going to get there all by yourself.

5) Relationship Management

If speaking to other human beings is not your forte and you’re been spending the majority of your life up to this point in your parents’ basement, it’s time to break out of your shell. Unless you’re taking on a career as a mortician, you’re going to be spending a lot of your adult life talking, negotiating, and communicating with others.

6) Emotional Intelligence

Being able to successfully decipher other people’s emotions has been found to be strongly correlated to successes within the workplace and amongst personal relationships. No one wants to be that guy who always says the wrong thing at the wrong time.

7) Household Repairs and Maintenance

If only there were life hacks courses where you were taught to use lemon to clear the stains off stainless steel or to organize your linen by storing sheet sets in pillow cases.

What else did you wish they taught us in school? Share with us in the comments below!